What makes this kennel different from other kennels is that I take the dogs out to play with me and with the other dogs four or five times a day. This way they get some great exercise, along with some socialization and they don't go kennel crazy on long stays.
Your dog will have their own run. It has an indoor and outdoor section. There is a fenced area, the play yard, that goes completely around the kennel building. This is where the dogs get to run and play.
The kennel is heated or air conditioned as needed.
Food must be supplied by the owner. Please put your dog's food in a plastic bin or bucket with a lid. Tell us how much to feed your dog in measuring cups. If you measure in scoops, send the scoop! Keeping the type of food and the amount the same will help your dog with their stay. Please let us know what time of day your dog is usually fed. Snacks are also okay.
If your dog takes any medicines or eat anything weird, feel free to send it along, you can't surprise us anymore!
You can bring blankets, towels, rugs, or dog beds. I recommend towels or small blankets, send two and I can switch them out if they get dirty or wet
All dogs must have proof of shots in our files before they can be boarded.
Please remind us, every stay, if your dog is not neutered.
The daily charge for all dogs is $16 per day. Any additional dogs in the same kennel are charged at $8 per day. To calculate your bill, just subtract the dates. For example, drop-off Friday 15th, pick-up Sunday 17th equals 2 days. Friday 15th to Sunday 24th equals 9 days. There is no charge for the day you pick-up, no matter when you pick-up. We don't want anyone rushing home over Highway 6 to be back by a particular time.
Drop-offs need accurate and specific times. I will get done to the kennel just before you, to take the other dog outside, so that you have an empty and quiet kennel for putting your dog in their run. Both Drop-offs and Pick-ups are between 8am and 8pm.
Please call in advance if your appointment time will change.